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Meet Justin D. Koen, DMD

Meet Justin D. Koen, DMD

Originally from Amarillo, Texas, Dr. Koen received his DMD from Tufts University School of Dental Medicine in Boston, Massachusetts. After practicing for many years in New England, he and his wife moved back to Texas to be closer to family. Dr. Koen, his wife Sara, and their daughter Willa could not be happier to call Austin, Texas, home. After meeting Dr. Carol Evans, Dr. Koen chose to practice here at Main St Dental because of a shared belief in providing state-of-the-art, relationship-based, comprehensive care tailored to fit into the lives and budgets of his patients.

Dr. Koen is a member of the American Dental Association, the Academy of General Dentistry, the Texas Dental Association, and the Capital Area District Dental Society. Committed to providing the best care possible for his patients, Dr. Koen completes over forty hours of continuing education per year, has taken postdoctoral courses in prosthodontics, endodontics, and oral surgery, and is a member of the Seattle Study Club. He is available by cell phone in case of emergency.

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